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February 11, 2016 - 12:55 pm ET -- UPDATED: 2/11/16 2:06 pm ET -- adds background FRANKFURT (Reuters) -- Daimler AG is about to appoint its marketing and sales head Ola Kaellenius as head of research and development, Handelsblatt reported today. Kaellenius, 46, will take over from Thomas Weber, who will be 62 later this year, the newspaper reported, citing high-placed company sources. It is not clear who will succeed Kaellenius. The fast-rising Kaellenius, who has been Mercedes' marketing and sales chief since October 2013, was appointed to Daimler’s management board last month. He is considered one of the top contenders to succeed Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche. His experience includes developing Formula One engines, running the Mercedes plant in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and heading the AMG performance division. Daimler will announce the change Tuesday, when it also will say that Zetsche's contract, as expected, will be extended by three years, the newspaper said. Daimler declined to comment.